How to book, rebook and cancel appointment
Book a meeting
How do I book a physical visit to a healthcare center?
To book a physical care visit to a Kry healthcare center, we direct you to call directly the healthcare center you wish to make an appointment with.
You can find the phone number for the respective Kry healthcare center here.
How do I book an appointment at Kry?
- Download the Kry app on your mobile device from either App Store, which requires iOS (v.16 or later) or Google Play, which requires iOS Android (v.8.0 or later).
- Click Sign in and identify yourself with your mobile BankID or BankID.
- If it's your first time using the app you need to register yourself as a user by entering a phone number and email address and accept the Terms of agreement
- Select Start a booking
- Select if you want to book an appointment for Me or My children
- Select your symtom from the list.
- Fill out the symptom form. You also have the option to attach pictures.
Select either Drop-in or Select a time.
- Confirm your meeting.
Your meeting is now booked! We will call/contact you through the Kry app when it's your time, so be sure to stay logged in before the meeting.Keep in mind that you can only use your own mobile BankID or BankID in order to use the app for yourself or your child who doesn't have a BankID. It is not possible to book a meeting for someone else since Kry requires that every patient can identify themselves through BankID.
How do I book an appointment for my child?
To book an appointment for your child who is between 0-17 years of age, log into the Kry app by authenticating with your own mobile BankID and then select Get help. You will then be asked Who needs care and then select Add child. You can then book an appointment for your child.
In order to book an appointment for a child, you must be the child's guardian.
The child for whom the meeting is booked must be present during the care meeting, just like at a physical care center.Children who have turned 16 can download the Kry app themselves and book a digital care appointment after they have identified themselves with their own mobile BankID.
How do I book a follow-up appointment?
In the Kry app, you can book a follow-up appointment to the doctor, nurse, physiotherapist or psychologist you previously met.
To do this, you need the Kry app. Click on Your health and then select Events, click on your previous care appointment and select Book a follow-up appointment.
Can I use Kry in a different time zone?
When you are not in the same time zone as Sweden and you make an appointment with Kry, we display the appointment times in the current time zone you are in.
Reschedule, cancel a meeting and waiting time
How do I cancel or reschedule my meeting?
You cancel and reschedule appointments in the app through the home view under the Your Health tab and then select Events.
Appointments that are booked at a health center can´t be rescheduled in the app, you are referred to call the relevant health center to reschedule your appointment. Contact details for your health center can be found here.
Kry Support can only be helpful with digital bookings, call us on 08-22 77 07 if you have questions about your booked digital care appointment.
Fees for missed visit:
If you have booked a healthcare appointment with a doctor, nurse, psychologist or physiotherapist more than 24 hours before the appointment - you can cancel the appointment no later than 24 hours before the start of the healthcare appointment. If you cancel later than 24 hours, or do not attend your booked visit, a no-show fee may apply.Digital healthcare visits booked with less than 24 hours notice can be canceled or rescheduled 15 minutes before the appointment starts if you are going to see a nurse or a doctor.
You can cancel or reschedule video meetings with a psychologist or a physiotherapist no later than 3 hours before the meeting is due to start. -
How long is the waiting time at Kry?
The waiting time for a drop-in meeting at Kry may vary, but usually does not exceed 15 minutes. There are usually longer waiting times in the morning and in the afternoon, and somewhat shorter waiting time in the middle of the day.