Kry Support
Contact information for Kry Support
Questions about or seeking medical advice
Unfortunately, Kry support can not provide general information about health, diseases or give medical advice.
For medical questions and advice we recommend you to download the Kry app and book a meeting.
See the full list of symptoms that Kry can help you with here.
Who should I contact for possbile complaints?
If you are not satisfied with the care you received or are dissatisfied with the response, we would like you to share your views. Turn to us directly at Kry, by calling to Kry Support, so that we can help you in the best possible way.
Kry Support is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, closed on holidays.The care at Kry is governed by the same regulations as all healthcare providers in Sweden. As a result, you can also, as usual, contact the Swedish Patient Advisory Board or Patient Ombudsman in your home country, IVO (Inspection for Care and Care) and other supervisory bodies for any complaints.